
Export of education - globalization and problems of education

There was much discussion about Bologna Declaration. Dominant was political opinion that high education introduces new capitalism in the countries of transition. In order to reconstruct country, one ideology is replaced with other one and prepositions for bureaucratic technocratic management of high education is achieved. Besides this, there is another controversial situation: representatives of Montenegro Ministry for Education and Science was highly evaluated for their implementation of Bologna Declaration (among ten best in Europe), so the first results in applying “Bologna Declaration” are encouraging. They say that the number of registered students is 50 percent higher and success at the exams is even 60 percent better (until now an average studies lasted six to nine years!). This “Bologna optimism”, as far as I know, was not present in Bologna, nor in other respectful university centers. Who knows how can “success be achieved”, but it is known that in Montenegro there is no personnel, no economic preconditions for normal work of university.

It seems that the day when we will be able to introduce new system in responsible, pedagogical and professional way, is far in future, according to national needs, no mater how much we respect scientific and technological achievement.

On these cross-roads imposed by globalization, transition, and education system the young generation is faced with the great politization, de-profesionalization. The worse fact is that in our country there are no experts, so in the Ministry for Education and Sport there is a competition of abilities. It seems that in implementing of modern education we rely on “teacher of life” – history of pedagogy.


Goals of education

Preparation of young people for daily life in multicultural and multilingual reality in Europe as their accepting responsibilities for future development of Europe is based on defining and establishing European education. Intensive realization of this process begun in 80’s by determining basic and common standards for the countries of European Union.

Determining basic directions in development of educations in the countries of European Union, bases for changes and reforms were laid, and the reform occurred in the 90’s. The general secretary of the EU (1989) gave a precise frame for further development of education. So, European education has to provide and enable:

-         education for young people that will provide earning in private life, making positive and realistic picture about self and this will be accomplished in personal, social and common situation;

-         preparation for life in democratic society, that means rights, basic freedom, civil obligations and responsibilities, and helping young people in introducing into public life;

-         prepare for work which should enable broad spectrum of work, including different possibilities and work experience;

-         preparation for cultural life where young people could find sources for enriching their personalities, that is spiritual, cultural and historic, scientific inheritance as a preparation for life.

According to the given developmental frames, specific and general goals of European education will be set. Thay are:

-         Multicultural Europe. Development of European dimension in teaching, introducing of foreign languages with respect towards cultural differences in education.

-         Mobility in Europe. Developing system of diplomas and equivalent qualifications, supportin the exchange of young people and teachers; bringing up regulations that provide possibilities for professors to teach in foreign countries.

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