
Export of education - globalization and problems of education


"We all are scared for our safety, future and world. That is a product of human imagination. However, every man and every civilization has made a progress because of obligations which had been placed in front of them; therefore knowledge is not a notebook full of facts. First of all it is a responsibility of mankind and for all of us as ethic beings. Human compassion for the world, his intellectual and emotional obligations go together: They have produced rise of human kind."


Education is the most important investment of one society for its future. Good education is essential for development all of us. Since education as a complex and continual process, it demands deep analysis. This paper is an attempt to explain education from one special aspect and to show that education is a universal and precious resource which connects people of different profiles, nationalities and cultures.

In this paper we describe how globalization effects education, what are potentional problems, goals and connects through education. This all is seen from aspects of our country, its involvement in creating and spreading education in knowledge export. Serbia is very important resource of education. It is as a small country in progress it pays a lot of intention on intellectual development of young people who want to use their potentiality and present own country in the best way and thus enable its faster way towards stability in economy, politics and education. Therefore, Serbia has introduced many changes and reforms into existing education system in order to adjust to expansive development of world education.


Reform of education

By the end of 80's and beginning of 90's in different fields of EU countries and on different levels of education system, reforms were carried out. These reforms were structurally designed and they covered whole education system, but partially they meant only correction of some aspects of education system. In this process there were many similarities, but also many differences. Generally, they may be divided in four types: structural, global, correctional changes and modernization.

Their implementations was different. However, in the majority of countries, regardless to type of reform process, it was insisted on process of decentralization, importance of basic education increased, enabling young people to think critically and resolve conflicts, to accept European dimension in education plans and programs, to use computer technology in education, to introduce internationalization and connect with European countries in the field of education, to broaden general education as a base for development of society, to develop democracy. Future society is going to be a society that invests in knowledge, society of learning and teaching, where every individual will develop own qualifications - in one word – it is going to be learned society.

According to different educational levels, the following changes were introduced in:

-         pre-school education: pre-school children were included, reforms in programs and methods of work were introduced;

-         obligatory education: changing the goals, curriculums, structures at this level, system of grades and evaluation of work, advisory service and professional orientation;

-         high school education: goals, curriculums, grades, structure of education, assigning degrees and certificates;

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